Book coaches are editors who help writers develop their ideas, refine their writing skills, and stay motivated throughout the writing process.
A book coach is like a personal trainer and project manager who provides a deep level of insight and personalized guidance. Whether you’re drafting your first novel or your tenth, a book coach will give you valuable support tailored to your specific needs and goals.
What does a book coach do?
A book coach:
helps you get your ideas out of your head and onto the page
provides emotional support: We understand the struggles and doubts that accompany writing a book and we help you get through them.
gives honest feedback: We empower you to write a great book by telling you the truth, every time.
sets deadlines to keep you accountable and help you get serious about your writing.
is a cheerleader: We believe in you, and champion you and your work every step of the way.
helps you prepare to enter the publishing marketplace: We help you envision your book on a store shelf and craft compelling pitch materials. We’ll also help you figure out the best strategy to pitch to agents and publishers.
Our book coaches have helped thousands of writers structure and complete their books.
We can help you reach your goals too.
7 benefits of investing in a book coach
Supporting the creative process from beginning to end: Unlike a typical editor, who steps in when a manuscript is complete, a book coach accompanies you throughout your entire creative journey. From planning and drafting your book to revising and strategizing pitches, a book coach provides structure, feedback, and support every step of the way.
Accountability: Your life is busy! A book coach helps you keep your writing projects on course with thoughtful deadlines and targeted feedback. After all, when you know someone is waiting for those pages, you’re more likely to get them done.
​Time saving: Collaborating with a book coach is a time-saving game changer. With ongoing support and feedback, you’ll find you’ll need fewer drafts to get to your final version. By opting for book coaching, you are investing in the expertise of a trained professional over spending countless hours revising on your own or with a writing group. Imagine if you could significantly cut down the time and effort it takes to finish your book and still get amazing results?
Insider advantage: Publishing is a subjective and fast-moving world. What was on trend a month ago has been replaced by something else, and literary agents and acquiring editors often move from one agency or publisher to another. Literary agents make their living by keeping their finger on the pulse of the publishing world. Imagine having all that knowledge and experience supporting you as you write your book.
Pitch perfect: Literary agents pitch books to publishers all day long. They know what sells and more importantly, they know how to sell. Because our book coaches are literary agents, they can guide you through the pitching process and develop the right strategy for you to get your work seen. They can give you insider tips on pitching, help revise your submission package, and practice pitching with you.
Confidence: Imposter syndrome, self-doubt, fear…all these things get in the way of creating your best work. A book coach builds up your confidence, highlighting your strengths and providing honest (but kind) feedback on where your storytelling needs improvement. How awesome would it be to stop guessing when your work is good enough to pitch to agents and know when it’s ready?
Cheerleading: It can take a while to draft a commercially viable book and the process can get lonely and dull. Partnering with a book coach means having a dedicated ally who is as passionate about your project as you are, and who provides motivation and unwavering support through every twist and turn of the journey.